# Writing your own plugins

Not all schemas are created equal, and every project has unique needs - FormVueLate provides an excellent way of addressing niche needs and any project's uniqueness through its plugin system.

Writing plugins is very straightforward, SchemaFormFactory expects an array of functions - so each plugin added to SchemaFormFactory is a function that will be executed in the order it was received by it.

const myPlugin = function () {
  // Plugin code goes here

const SchemaFormWithCustomPlugin = SchemaFormFactory([

Every function, or plugin, that SchemaFormFactory received will get injected, as the first parameter, the returned object from the setup() function from SchemaForm plus any other previous plugins.

It's important to keep in mind this last bit, plugins are cumulative! So every plugin will receive the returned object from the last called plugin, or the base one from SchemaForm if its the first.

Having said that, every plugin must also return this same object, with whatever modifications it is making to the setup returns.

const pluginThatAddsSomethingCool = function(baseReturns) {
  return {
    somethingCool: true

const cumulativeExample = SchemaFormFactory([

A notable property that you may want to keep in mind that SchemaForm will provide to the factory is the parsedSchema. This parsedSchema is an already parsed (redundant, but necessary to clarify) schema in the format that FormVueLate understands it.

Plugins will usually want to modify these baseReturns in some way or another.

Make sure that you preserve reactivity on the parsed schema, usually by returning a newly created computed property with your modified schema wrapped in it.

import { computed } from 'Vue'

const someOtherPlugin = function(baseReturns) {
  const { parsedSchema } = baseReturns
  const modifiedSchema = doSomethingToParsedSchema(parsedSchema.value)

  return {
    parsedSchema: computed(() => modifiedSchema)

const cumulativeExample = SchemaFormFactory([